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Perforated CCP vs carbon foam
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June 15, 2018 - 9:58 am
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Dennis- for a given 2” depth panel, am I correct in thinking the perforated product over more absorption over an extended frequency range BUT a similar slope to the product (ie equally gradual ?) if so, wouldn’t the ceilin panel have applicability in vertical areas (walls ) as well ? I infer the only downside is it cannot be covered in fabric, but you allude to painting it (if so what paint is recommended, and codes that not change its absorptive characteristics ?)

Chief Acoustics Engineer
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June 15, 2018 - 10:02 am
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JD, Foam is a limp mass treatment technology. When you place it in a box with a perforated board (peg board) you change it from a limp mass to a perforated absorber . This lowers the resonant frequency, so the unit goes lower; 90 Hz. The foam starts at 125 Hz.

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