Failed musician ,played sax through school but when I got my driving licence that was the end of the sax . Always enjoyed music and having friends that can design amplifier circuits and speakers has got me into diy .
I have built tube based pre amps, power amps and speakers .
In my 50’s now I have a chance to convert my shed into a listening room maybe get into home theatre and one end a home gym for the rest of the family . My wife ,daughter and son are into power lifting after a couple of back ops I’m taking it easy.
Anyway here’s my project https://www.avsforum.com/forum…..rsion.html . My main issue is trying to keep the noise down for the neighbors so trying to keep the low frequency’s suppressed in going to be an issue . I’m going to be on the back foot to start with due to the 6.4mm laminated glass sliding doors and sheds metal shell .
I’m here to read and learn as much as possible .
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