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Room Acoustics

Room acoustics is a step by step process. You first select the room size to match usage. These two variables must align. Too much energy, too small room, too many problems starting with frequencies below 100 Hz. Take your intended usage and measure maximum frequency and amplitude that will be going on inside the room. Using drums and bass guitar? Make sure you have 13′ + ceilings. make sure you have 21′ widths minimum and if you can at least a 27′ length. Your room must be able to manage the excess energy. You can help it do that you must match usage to volume or size.

Mids and Highs

After we have managed the lower frequencies with the required square footage of treatment, we turn our attention to the middle and high frequencies. We look at the frequency range from 100 Hz. – 2,000 Hz. These smaller rays of energy are everywhere and reflect off of everything. The summation of all the surface areas it reflects off of is called reverberation (Rt-60). It’s sound that overstays it’s welcome. It is the sustain of sound after the sound source has stopped producing. It is all room evil. It buries precious vocal harmonics and we lose the music connection. It is washed away in a sea of room boundary distortion.

Usage, Usage, Usage

Once usage is determined and you have “sized” the room to match the usage, then and only then can we begin the absorption/diffusion process. We start with absorption. Not just boxes filled with building insulation but real treatment technology that has two things going for it. It absorbs down to our lowest low-frequency issue within the room and it absorbs as much of that energy per square foot as it can. Its all about have the correct type, amount, and position (TAP) of the low-frequency management technology.

Every Surface: 16.66 %

All surfaces are equal opportunity offenders. Each surface area contributes 17% towards all room issues. All surfaces must be treated. Once again, you must use the correct type, amount, and positioning of acoustic treatment to ensure success. Our 2″ foam technology was designed for music and voice. Its rates and levels of absorption are unique. Our foam is smooth from 125 Hz. – 500 Hz. You must pay special attention to the rate and level of absorption when it comes to music and voice. Music and voice are unique. They are so unique they demand their own absorption curves. See for yourself in the charts below.

Diaphragmatic Absorption

Only diaphragmatic absorption will produce the required horsepower to deal with long waves in small rooms. It has the horsepower per square feet, the required frequency response from 30 – 300 Hz. and it comes in 12 square foot units making calculating the number of units you will need for your room usage and dimensions. They are 230 lbs. each for every 12 square feet surface area. If you going elephant hunting you need to bring a big gun, not a box full of building insulation which will only cause the elephant to sneeze. Look at the test data below.


Diffusion is a technology to reduce reflections and add spatiality to your presentation. It is a must for mix room rear walls. Every studio I have ever been in that produces quality products, Capital, Sunset, Ocean all have diffusion on the rear wall. The slap back from the rear wall can enter your mix. Diffusers are like speakers. They have a frequency response. They have a distance requirement from ears to the diffuser. Get these two variables working together and your rear wall disappears, and you didn’t even have to leave your chair.

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All foams absorb 100 % over 500 Hz. It’s not difficult to achieve that design goal. What is difficult is below 500 Hz. You want to start as low as a 2″ thickness will permit. Our proprietary foam starts at 125 Hz. tested but we have seen absorption from our 2″ foam down to 100 Hz.  We use a denser foam with a six-sided cell structure, with all cells uniform then and only then can you achieve predictability and consistency in performance. Here’s the next step. Smooth out the 125 Hz. – 250 Hz. transitions  Make the response curve as smooth from 250 Hz. – 500 Hz. since this transition is critical with voice. Notice the curve below. Music and voice love these curves. So does our hearing.

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[vc_single_image source=”external_link” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” custom_src=”” caption=”Foam Frame Panel” link=””]
[vc_single_image source=”external_link” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” custom_src=”®-13-400.jpg” caption=”Acoustic Diffuser QD-13″ link=””]
[vc_single_image source=”external_link” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” custom_src=”” caption=”ACDA-10 Studio” link=””]
[vc_single_image source=”external_link” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” custom_src=”” caption=”Sound Absorbing Sliding Window Panel” link=””]
[vc_single_image source=”external_link” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” custom_src=”” caption=”Acoustic Foam Panels” link=””]
[vc_single_image source=”external_link” alignment=”center” onclick=”custom_link” img_link_target=”_blank” custom_src=”” caption=”Sound Absorbing Foam Ladder” link=””]
[vc_cta h2=”Do You Want To Solve Your Room Acoustic Problems?” txt_align=”center” shape=”square” style=”flat” color=”grey” add_button=”bottom” btn_title=”Start Your Free Room Analysis” btn_color=”warning” btn_align=”center” btn_i_icon_fontawesome=”fa fa-signal” btn_add_icon=”true” btn_link=”url:%2Ffree-room-analysis%2F|||”]There’s no one size fits all when it comes to room acoustics. That’s why you need an individual room acoustic analysis in order to fix the issues you’re facing in your room. Our chief acoustics engineer Dennis Foley will analyse your room personally and the best part is: It’s 100% free![/vc_cta]


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