Acoustic Fields Academy Soundproofing With Egg Cartons I was hoping that the topic of soundproofing with egg cartons would never come up…Dennis FoleyJuly 17, 2021
Acoustic Treatment Google Hangouts Why there’s no such thing as egg crate acoustic treatment A comment to my past video on why there's no such thing as egg crate…Dennis FoleySeptember 11, 2014
Featured ArticlesRoom Acoustics Training Room Modes Room Modes Room modes are divided into three main groups. We have the axial, tangential,…MikeSorensenJuly 15, 2012
Fill out the information in this link. Submit data and schedule an appointment.
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Fill out the information in this link. Submit data and schedule an appointment.
I’m seeking info for sanctuary reverberation absorbsion material ( panels) and best placement.
There may be apps that do that. You can definitely find spectrum analyzers that will measure ultra low.
Is there an APP that can measure the ultra low frequency levels?