Hi everyone!
I am a pretty sound sensitive sleeper.
I already successfully “blocked” sounds from the street, so my only concern (but a big one) is the noise from above, that my neighbour produces with steps and shutting doors.
Dennis, I know that you always recommend to record and analyse the sound for at least one week, but isn’t my case a really common one? It’s the typical low frequency noise from neigbours above.
So, I was thinking about a sleeping box (like a sound”proofed” coffin).
1. It has to be decoupled from the ground (what is the best way to achieve that? E.g. are these black heavy rubber mats from the gym sufficient?
2. Probably the best way to block the low frequ. noise is to use plywood with layers of rock wool in between. Right?
3. How can I solve the ventilation problem? There are active ventilators, that make a ~20db noise. Can I lower that with e.g. a passive ventilation (like a maze that traps noise, but lets air flow, or these ventilators that use the difference in pressure from within and outside of the box)?
Thanks in advance for every answer!
All noise transmission issues must first be measured for frequency and camplitude. Frequency is where the noise lives on our audible spectrum range and amplitude is how strong the noise frequency is at that time in space. Without noise numbers, you are just guessing and guessing with any noise issue is expensive and time consumimg. Every material type, its thickness or density and the way the barrier is constructed is directly dependent on the noise frequencies and amplitudes.
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