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Hello from Rochester, NY
Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
August 2, 2021
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August 2, 2021 - 2:10 pm
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Hi all! I’m new to the forum, but am old to audio. Have been a hobbyist since the early 80s. I ‘ve owned and experiment with all kinds of equipment over the years….many amps and receivers, many speakers, several TTs and carts, etc, and finally settled on a pair of Focal kevlar transmission line speakers many moons ago. Within the past couple of years I’ve added the VTA circuit mods to a pair of Dyna 70s tube amps, re-tubed them, and run them in a horizontal bi-amp configuration. Just after the amps were finished I rebuilt my old Lazarus Cascade Basic tube pre-amp, and am really enjoying the system these days.

The formal science of room acoustics is fairly new to me, and am interested to see what I can learn. My room is far from ideal, and speaker placement gets limited by SWMBO, but it’s a decently large and quiet room with thick carpet and lots of upholstered furniture.

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