Hi Folks, glad to join the forum. In a year, I will be selling my business and like many plan to build my last home. I am looking forward to spending decent funds on a new audio system where I can enjoy a large jazz collection. I am new to trying to create the perfect audio environment and could use input. I want to create the perfect size room for the system as recommended by Dennis. My concern however is I am purchasing a beautiful lot for the property and want to spend time in my listening room but also enjoying the wonderful visuals of the property while listening. I understand from reading that glass in a listening room is a no no.
How can something excellent be built without my feeling that to listen to my music I have to go into a cave environment to have excellent sound. Help!
Hi Glen, Glass in a listening room is never a good idea. If you want to look out the window while listening to music, you will have to position the glass surface on the side or front walls. Those three surfaces can never have glass without compromising the sound dramatically. Time to make a choice between visual aesthetics and sound quality.
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