It’s nice to see an acoustics forum! I might suggest an introduction section so members can say HI and Introduce themselves, to what I hope will be a busy forum!
I’ve been following Dennis and Acoustic Fields since I saw their first video. I’m an amateur, but a well read one. I have lots of questions about measurement, and the tools used. I’ve been designing and building diffusers and absorbers for years now. Just dabbling mostly, since I don’t have room for a dedicated listening room in my current house…but someday I will have a room that will be wall to wall treatment and nothing but a chair and pair of speakers!
I’m looking forward to learning from others in the forum!

Hi there Lonely Raven and schmalzy,nice to meet you both here.Below is a extended version just for us of my “Introduce Yourself”,that tells you about how I cameto find the amazing Dennis Foley (I picture him in the Beverly Hills Cop Ferrari,Axel Foley hahah) and Acoustic fields
“Hi all greetings from New Zealand.
I have just finished building and installing my first Acoustic Fields QRD-11
My usage is a guitar and vocal tracking, and mixing room,the main purpose and function is for guitarists to sit comfortably without headphones or other performance inhibitors have their amps tone blasting through the monitors.
Putting in just one of the 3 QRD’s on my rear wall has already tightened up the room dramatically.
Although the bass bump at the rear of the room was a client pleaser,I would prefer they heard exactly what I am listening to at Mix position,then we are all speaking the same language when discussing low end and stereo image.
Great to be part of this awesome place,better get back to building the last two.”
So a little more about me,I have been a gigging musician ( cough cough Vocalist) 23 years of my 40 years on this beautiful earth,in 2006 I decided to move to New Zealand’s largest city Auckland, leaving my Jazz/Metal fusion band and my dreams of stardom in tow to get a degree in Audio Engineering , as I had always been hooking up piece together P.A. systems and putting on concerts anyway.
I can only say I wish I had done it sooner,one year (the diploma) was spent focusing on recording techniques starting at the start with the speed of sound,1/4 wavelength,Ohm’s law etc and so on and so forth,in which time one paper (really a crash course) was Psychoacoustics,all of which had entirely left my brain until just recently. I then spent 3 years covering music law,marketing,Copywrite and also completed my thesis “The application of live streaming of music in New Zealand venue’s” (or something to that effect,and yes I passed.).
As New Zealand is a small country and I had been an active part of it’s music community I found freelance live work to subsidize my poor adult student life choice,and was fortunate enough to land a job with a large production company a friend had just started,as Stage TechStage Manager,then Monitor Engineer/F.O.H and Tour Manager,all of which gave me the look behind the curtain at “real production values”. Live sound is damn hard work with constant frayed nerves,and as the long hours and lack of daylight were becoming less and less appealing as time went on,enter opportunity.
.A friend who I had worked with previously with one of his bands as live engineer and recorded another’s E.p.,posted on facebook,”looking for builders and hammer-hands”,I replyed “I have worked for a house moving and demolition company,so I can do it backwards,I am keen to learn” ,so I become a self-employed adult apprentice,which still gave me the flexibility to record bands too,woo -hoo,and new knowledge
My real love though is studio work,paticualy tracking (recording) as I love experimenting with microphone technique,pre amps and all the great vintage gear,which brings us to the prensent day.
7 months ago I smashed my L5 disk trapping a nerve,whilst bowl skateboarding something I have done since the age of 10 for fitness and leisure,this put me out of work ,as of typing,I have 4 days til surgery ( I am 1 day ahead),although we don’t celebrate Indepence Day here in New Zealand (we celebrate the signing of the “Treaty of Waitangi”) it certainly will be for me ,I get my life back.
As I am unable to sit long enough to drive i am trapped at home,so i have been in my Project Studio (the one room my partner will allow me) , looking at how and what I can do to improve the function and form of my space,doing research into diffusers and bass traps led me to the ONLY source that did not try to paint false picture’s with misleading terms and here I am.
PPhheewww that was long winded haha,really nice to meet you both,we are from here on in,taking a journey together that will last a life time.
As a wise sage once said “keep your eye’s on the road,your hands upon the wheel”
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