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Is it possible to have a perfectly flat low frequency response in a room?
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December 4, 2022
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December 9, 2022 - 7:02 pm
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Not talking about a critical listening room , or music studio that has a fixed listening position. I’m talking for example a bar or night club with no dedicated listening position, where people walk all around the room. let’s say money was no object, and the space large, and could be modified to any shape length width and height as needed. By flat flat response, I mean you can play any tone 20hz to 100hz, walk around the room and experience no peaks and nulls. A room where to the kick drum sounds the same no matter where you are in the room and no matter what the volume/amplitude level is. Possible?

Chief Acoustics Engineer
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December 10, 2022 - 5:24 am
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It would depend on the amplitude or strength of the noise and the amount of treatment space available. If budget is no issue, you could get very close.

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