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Beyond Acoustics


What This Section is About

At Acoustic Fields we have always been about the sound quality in small rooms. For years everyone has been “living” with the misconception that the low end of our rooms must sound bad. They do this because until our carbon technology was created, there wasn’t anything currently in the market place that will attenuate predictably and consistently below 100 cycles.

Our foam technology took eight years to develop and has the smoothest absorption curves in the business. Curves that were designed to compliment the way we hear music and voice. Music and voice are different from all other energy and must be treated accordingly. You have to be careful how much you absorb and at what frequencies. One size never fits all.

Our DIY series of absorption and diffusion build plans makes technology affordable for those with access to a carpentry skill set. We can license and sell you our proprietary carbon and foam technology to use in your own builds. We can even assist those who want to build it into a wall on a permanent basis.

Well, enough about us. Read what clients have said about us and I believe you will see our philosophy on sound come through.

Get In Touch

Call us at: +1 520 – 392 – 9486 or send Dennis Foley an email to

To book a free personal call with Dennis Foley please click the button below.

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Hi Dennis,

I wasn’t sure how to re-establish communication with you. You helped me a few years ago with a room project and unfortunately I got sidetracked with health issues. It’s been awhile. Hope all is well. My health continues to improve and have been cancer free for quite awhile now. Still go in for treatment every 3 weeks though. The wife and I are very pleased with the results!

The wall is complete…finally (21 1/2′ X 9′ with 1000# of carbon)! I bought your plans for the diffusers and have a few already up. I can’t believe the transformation in the low end…unbelievable Dennis, unbelievable! I follow the videos you put up on YouTube…very helpful, thank you. I have a plan of where to go from here with the diffusers but wanted to run it by you before building all of them. I can send you a summary of what I’ve accomplished so far in an e-mail or call…wasn’t sure because of the time passage.

Thank you for all your help in the past Dennis and I’m happy for your success in this field, you are very helpful to many people! I’m very impressed with your knowledge and expertise in the field Dennis, the results speak for themselves, I can attest to it! Not only to myself but folks who come over to hear the room/system!



Hi John,

Good to hear that you have won a victory in this battle. It could not have been easy.

Thank you for your kind words. Our carbon technology is now recognized throughout the world. I am glad you are now able to listen to definition and separation in the low end, something people for years just accept as not treatable. Nothing could be further from the truth as you have so stated.

Lets start from the beginning on your room. Fill out the information in this link: Photos of all surface areas are useful.

Diffusion is your next step. Adding diffusion with make your room sound twice as large. It will be like buying new speakers and new amps at the same time and auditioning them both. The difference between the electronics and the diffusion will be that you will like some things about the new gear and others not so much. With diffusion, you will like everything.

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