Hello! First post here trying to get a clear answer on this.
I am in a L = 4,12m * W = 2,92m * H = 2,51m room. It’s an apartment building. I haven’t done any isolation at all. Have 15 cm Panels with mineral Wool all around that covers like 80% of the side walls and ceilling…
Bought a pair of KRK 10s G4 and these beasts tremble the entire building.
The problem is the floor mostly, or so i believe. The floor is already sort of isolated , it is XPS with parké over concrete i believe( maybe no XPS ). the walls are not great i think just bricks. inside the studio i ear peoples voices and this is why i make my post. I’m not sure it comes mostly from the walls or the floor..was thinking on doing a nice floor with studs and 10cm Rockwooll over XPS with OBS on top..will this isolate enough the sound and also improve acoustics inside…meaning, will the floor just reflect bass energies anyway? i got some dips on the 60-80 hz range and im sure its the floor…wouldn’t like to spend money and then have almost no isolation and same acoustic response … any advice? thanks!
If you need any more info please do tell…
well ill be making it. will have to be made with mineral wool and OSB board.doing it 6cm wool and 1,5mm OSB boards. with some cork between the pinewoods and the already existing floor of the apartment…my idea is that even if it wont block the sound completly it will be enugh to break the waveforms from the speakers and stop the room modes at least ?
room is 12m2
speakers are kinda big 300W
panels 15 cm sidewalls and ceilling.
What Dennis said.
You are tossing darts blindfolded.
You don’t know for sure where the sound is coming from.
You are not really sure what frequencies are really the problem.
You said you can hear voices.
Speech falls with in midrange frequencies, but which ones?
You.mentioned low frequencies.
You can’t hear stereo separation below 150 and the lower you go the less you can hear, but you can feel it, audible is very different from a 60 Hz wave rattling your bones.
Download a free real-time analyzer app .
When your neighbour’s are especially chatty crank up your input gain and move the Mic around capturing screen shots of what you discover.
While not the most accurate approach, this will give you some idea of what frequencies you are up against, & help you better focus your attention in the right direction and the correct solution to your problem.
Acoustics is science.
Science doesn’t work without data.
Scientifically accurate solutions are not solutions until some one who who understands the data confirms the data matches the suggested solution.
Listen to Dennis, you will be glad you did.
inragespace said
probably everything from 20hz to like 2khz …can’t you post pics here ? :) really wanted to know how much of the waveform if not all gets isolated with a floor like im making …
You can simply run an RTA and write down the highest peaks then post them here.
You don’t have to list every single one
Just the highest peaks within a range , such as 30 to 125Hz
125 to 500 hrz
500hz to 1K, 1K to 5K and so on.
Or simply email screen shots to Dennis
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