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Acoustics Pro
Forum Posts: 13
Member Since:
August 19, 2019
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August 20, 2019 - 1:17 pm
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Hello all.
Just found this website and forum and would like to say thanks to Acoustic Fields and Mr. Foley for having this site.
I live in a small apartment and my living and listening room are the same so many levels of room treatment are just not practical for me. None the less, I’m trying to get the best sound I can in this space.

Chief Acoustics Engineer
Forum Posts: 633
Member Since:
August 12, 2013
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August 21, 2019 - 8:02 am
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J, Fill out the information in this link:…..-analysis/

Forum Posts: 1
Member Since:
September 7, 2019
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September 7, 2019 - 5:46 am
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Hi everyone!… My name is Gus. I am a drummer and interested in investing in a nice space to do some small productions of my own (hopefully built from scratch). It would have purposes: recording, mixing, teaching, rehearsing. I am trying to learn as much as I can about the topic (room ration dimensions, treatment (absorption /diffusion) and, most importantly, what I can with my budget. Thank you for making this space available and providing so much info. I wish you the best and would like to keep in touch! Gus

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