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Weird bass effect along the wall
Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
September 26, 2022
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September 26, 2022 - 3:15 pm
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Hi all,

I am just setting up my studio with a small band. I have just put up some acoustic panels and bass traps. It made a big difference and the echoes are all but gone.

BUT my bassist noticed that when he goes up against the wall in the room (we checked 2 of them) and the bass sound seems to intensify so much that it becomes hard to hear anything else. I mean, it really is seriously invasive and seems to run up along the wall. The center of the room is great, but about a foot along the wall of terrible.

The ceiling is high (~ 4m/12ft) and I have placed bass traps in all the top corners, but not much acoustic paneling above 2m/6ft.

So clearly I did something wrong.

The room itself is 3x4m (10x12ft). Here are some pics.…..sp=sharing

In this pic:…..sp=sharing

You can see the bass amp which is in the back corner of the room. Bad placement? It’s got about a foot clearance on either side and maybe 6inches to the acoustic tiles in the back and nothing in front of it for about 4 feet (4 feet between it and the drummer).

Any advice ?

Thanks in advance.

Chief Acoustics Engineer
Forum Posts: 633
Member Since:
August 12, 2013
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September 27, 2022 - 5:22 am
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Your issue is not echo. Echo is a repeating signal. Your issue is reverberation and will require a 65% surface area coverage of all 4 walls and ceiling. The “technology” you have used does not have the proper rate band level of absorption to deal with your small room large source output room.

Forum Posts: 2
Member Since:
September 26, 2022
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September 27, 2022 - 11:52 am
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Thanks. Unfortunately I cannot spend the thousands of dollars required in your link.

I’ll see what I can do otherwise.

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