Acoustic Design Project
Part II
In part II of the "Music Environment" project, our client added quadratic diffuser absorbers (QDA) to the front wall of his home theater and listening dual purpose room. By adding these diffusers to the front wall, our client was able to achieve a more balanced and natural sound in his home theater and listening room, resulting in a more enjoyable listening experience.
Establishing new references with our music systems is always a joy. We start with gear and treatment and then we listen. We hear many new things we never heard before with the proper application of absorption and diffusion technologies. We have established a new reference mark that will now be how we judge resolution, attack and decay along with speech intelligibility. We hear more and then we want more. It happens all the time with our clients who have the budget to treat enough surface area issues. Once treated correctly, a new motion is put in place creating a higher sonic reference.
Craig started with floor ceiling and four wall absorption and diffusion treatments. He used our Carbon panel on the side walls to deal with the above 40 hz. low frequency pressure issues on those wall surface areas. We treated the front and rear walls with absorption and diffusion using our top of the line QDA technology. We treated the ceiling with our QDA modules that fit together to form two dimensions of diffusion. This was stage one of the process. Many months passed with extensive listening then Craig decided he wanted more energy to produce more of everything without a loss in resolution.

1,000 Watts to 5,000 Watts
We added additional QDA modules to the front wall which in stage one was a screen. We are now going to have two channel sound values along with multiple channels in a home theater.. With two usages such as these, we need the ability to remove the screen for two channel playback and then extend the screen for theater. Diffusion on the front and rear walls is a huge benefit for two channels. Diffusion on the rear wall along with the ceiling surfaces is always prescribed. With Craig’s set up, we now have the best of both worlds. To hear more, we must use more energy.
The wonderful thing about our carbon technology is its linearity. It only works when pressure is exerted upon it. The carbon technology reacts the same in both low and higher pressure situations. Notice how Carig went from 1,000 watts to 5,000 watts in his power output. Notice how he went from 2 low frequency drivers at 10″ to an additional 6 drivers at 12″ diameter. A large increase in power and low frequency driver output. More energy, more sound quality without loss of resolution. A corresponding increase in lower frequency absorption coverage. More powerful sound. Is there a stage 3?

Module Products

Carbon Panel
Our carbon technology is now available for use in small rooms that don’t have the physical space requirements for our ACDA series to absorb lower frequency energy. Our carbon technology that has become so popular with our low-frequency product line is now available in panels that are not as deep as our ACDA units. With the same smooth frequency response starting at 40 – 60 Hz. and going through 6,500 Hz.

QDA-23 Quadratic Diffuser Absorber
The QDA – 23 are units that measure 42 1/2″ w x 60″ h x 16″ d. They are on casters for easy positioning. They are three units in one. First, we have a quadratic diffuser that will diffuser energy from 275 Hz. – 3,340 Hz. Behind the diffuser is our ACDA-10 technology with broadband absorption from 30 Hz. – 300 Hz. In the base of the QDA-23 unit is our ACDA-12 technology which absorbs energy from 30 – 50 Hz.

QDA-13 M
It is important to have both frequency-specific and broadband low-frequency absorption on all wall surfaces. Our QDA M-13 has our carbon technology installed inside the diffuser itself. You achieve the same performance as our ACDA-10M and the power of prime number 13 diffusion all in our 24″ x 24′ x 12″ d module that you can stack and create both one dimension and two dimension diffusion.
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