I’m starting a new build. I’ll have two walls back to back, separating my control room from my tracking room. The walls will be a minimum of 1′ apart at the narrowest point, and spread to about 3′ at the widest point. Instead of having a big window and doors, I’d like to use sliding glass doors (one for each wall)–I worked at Masterfonics in Nashville many years ago, and it seems to be a good two-birds/one stone solution.
My question is: if one door has an STC rating of 30, would the two doors together make a total STC of 60? (yes, I do realize that 30+30=60, but sound doesn’t always work so simply. . .)
The reason for my query is that I can get doors from “Really Expensive Studio Door Company” that has a total STC rating of 65 for $6k, OR I can get two doors from a company like Andersen that has specs for each door at an STC of 30+ for $2K. . .
T, Without knowing much more about your usage, pressure levels, low-frequency sources, I have no idea. I have many concerns with the design you are using. If you want me to take a more thorough look at your project, fill out the information in this link. Please attach photos to the form. https://acousticfields.com/fre…..-analysis/
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